Where do I find the time to create content - Because I have 10 years to watch TV


In recent years I have consciously decided not to watch television. I will explain why I don't watch television anymore, I should mention that the article is only addressed to revolutionaries.

I wasn't always like this.
  • I have 2 TVs – 4 computers and 3 tablets
  • When I got home, I turned on the TV.
  • He always had the TV on at home.
  • I often fell asleep in front of the TV.
  • I watched the news, I watched series, I watched informative and "entertainment" shows.
  • I was watching television, like most people do.

I now have the TV connected to an Android TV box to watch movies and series.

Why don't I watch TV?

I'll share with you why I don't watch TV and why you shouldn't either.

1. Too much TV is a waste of time

The average European watches 3 hours and 49 minutes of television. Are all these hours wasted?

If what you watch is educational and teaches you things about your goals and interests, then all that time isn't wasted. But for most people who watch random series or shows or news, it's often a waste of time.

One of the most precious things we have in life is  time . Every minute you spend in front of the TV is time taken away from your life. Get up and turn it off.

2. It sets unrealistic expectations

What you see on TV is not what happens in real life.

Sure, you might watch the news or documentaries about the lives of others, but it's very likely that the news will exaggerate and scare people or the documentaries will be exaggerated as well.

Often, all these shows and series put  illusions in our minds  about what is required to succeed in life. Or they create false limitations in our minds about what is truly possible for us.

3. It reduces the achievement of your goals

Watching TV affects and postpones the achievement of your goals because it is addictive.  The more you watch TV, the less you will achieve.

4. Wrong lifestyle and overconsumption 

When you get a new TV, you usually program the channels first.

But what I don't know if you realize is that then television  programs your mind.  And to be precise, it creates a negative programming. and imposes on you a lifestyle based on overconsumption.

I found a person who we agree on in our views on television, listen to the  theory of the person who has done the same as me and not only that but has analyzed it and has also made a video about it   https://greekcoach.gr/no-tv/  of course as I told you it is a theory about Rebels and the video has had 600 views and 58 likes in 3 years so support him by liking and sharing the video

5. Depressing news - dramatic stressful environment. 

Especially the news.  Out of a one-hour newscast, how much of it is positive news? Minimal.

It is said that they once published a newspaper in which they only wrote positive news and current affairs. After a while, the newspaper stopped circulating because very few people bought it.

We hear about dangers, about murders, about thefts, attacks, pandemics, floods, diseases, economic crises. Many end up being more afraid than necessary, simply because only the negative news is presented.

The result is negative thinking, anxiety, insecurity, depression.

6. Television can make you feel less satisfied with your life and desire more.

Better car? More expensive car? Bigger house? More expensive vacations? Necessary things that are actually completely unnecessary and useless?

A study showed that people who watch more television are usually less satisfied with their lives.

They begin  to feel like they are missing things  and experiences, because they see an "idealized" life in series and shows and feel like something is missing from their own life.

So, instead of feeling content and grateful for what they have, they constantly have a sense of dissatisfaction.

6. Copy the example of the successful ones

I learned from Brian Tracy that the best way to succeed (whatever success means, in any field), is to  see what other successful people have done and copy it.

e.g. Instead of watching TV, what did I achieve:
  • I received a master's degree in School Administration at the University of Athens ( UNA ). 
  • I got the proficiency (C3) in English which is the highest you can get!!!
  • I received 6 certifications from an American organization in website - blog and eshop building tools (HTML - CSS - Javascript - Wordpress - Elementor - Wordpress PRO - Elementor PRO)
  • I created my own self-updated newspaper (  https://yourss365.blogspot.com  )
  • I created a wonderful blog website for my work with many firsts on GOOGLE that deals with Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Air Conditioning, Security Technician ( mixanikos365 ) 
  • I created a wonderful blog website for my work with many firsts on GOOGLE that deals with natural farming, health and herbs ( https://naturalife24.blogspot.com  )
  • I received a certification for my work as an HVAC Expert from an American certification body. 
  • I upgraded my job as a Mechanical Engineer & Safety Technician 
  • I create content in the media with the main goal of advertising my work and earning extra money from advertising.
  • And many more that I shouldn't mention so as not to be long winded.
All of this I have a feeling I wouldn't play while watching TV. 

How many hours a day do you think people whose lives or achievements you admire watch television?

Whether it's people who have successful careers or  businesses , people who are extremely creative, who have very good relationships, who are good parents, who have good health and fitness, who have a good mindset.  How much time do you think they watch TV? IF they do?

Don't think about how much it costs you to buy it, but how much it costs you to have it.

If we calculate the last 10 years that I haven't had a TV, 1 hour average per day, it's over 3,500 hours.

That's 40 hours per week or 65 work weeks!

That is, even 1 hour (which most people watch 2-3 hours per day) in 10 years, has given me about 2 years more time that I have dedicated to productive activities!

How can you limit your TV viewing?

1. Cut the weather cable

The simplest way to stop watching TV is  to stop having a TV in your house.  I understand that this is a drastic measure, but if you're really struggling to cut down on your viewing time, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Connect a TV box and download movies, movies relax you, you can work at the same time, they don't stress you out, they don't make you feel better.

2. Don't make it the centerpiece of the house

In most homes, the entire living room is arranged so that the television cabinet is the focal point. 

Instead of having the TV as the centerpiece, make it a movie-only center

3. Get out of the house more often

If you're out and about more, you'll watch less TV. So, do what you can to  get outside more .

4. Give yourself a specific amount of time

Determine how much time you will allow  yourself to watch television each week.

For example, you will watch 2 episodes of your favorite series every week and one movie every 2 weeks.

5. Don't "cut" it – replace it

When you “cut” something, a gap is created. So instead of “cutting” it, replace it. Replace it with reading, with movies, with conversation, with exercise, with board games, with learning new skills, with starting a part-time job.

6. Don't demonize it, you can just limit it. 

When you “cut” something, a void is created. So instead of “cutting it”, set times, and social media can sometimes be worse  and more addictive and waste even more of your time.

Prime Time 

The so-called Prime time (in Greek I think it's the peak viewing time) is from 7 to 11.

If you spend that time watching TV, you're essentially spending time that  you could be productive or creative  watching other people do what they love. Instead of doing what you love, you're watching others do what they love and getting paid for it.

So, I decided that instead of watching others do what they love and get paid for it, I would do what I love whether I got paid for it or not! It could be doing more at work, exercising, reading, spending time with my kids.

How do I get the news?

Some people believe that if they don't watch television, they won't get the news.

First, if you rely on TV to get the news, you're relying on the wrong source. Second, if you want to get the news, there are many ways – especially today with social media. And third, I'm always up to date on the important stuff – the information reaches me somehow. So, don't worry, you'll get the important stuff!

I personally created my own free private journal  https://yourss365.blogspot.com  , and instead of learning new things, others learn new things from me, and I spend less than 30 minutes a day on it. 

Read the theory of the man who has done the same as me and not only that but he has analyzed it and has also made a video about it   https://greekcoach.gr/no-tv/  of course as I told you it is a theory for Rebels and the video has had 600 views and 58 likes in 3 years so support him by liking and sharing the video

Don't tell me now but TADE was shaking the k@^0 on Tiktok and got 6000 views in 3 minutes!!! because they are NOT comparable types of videos 


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