Become a Journalist

Welcome jurnalist we are happy to see you again !!!
This is the basic instuctions how to be a jurnalist in this Newspaper 
Incrtuctions - you can access all Newspaper tools here

You want to express yourself, and you like to write articles in a Newspaper as a journalist or columnist etc. Become the Expert columnist on this blog in the field in which you are an expert, upload your article or video today and immediately: here

Become the Expert columnist on this blog in the field in which you are an expert, upload your article or video today and immediately:  here


1) You express yourself, you create, your work is seen by thousands of people every day
2) You and your business are advertised for free
3) You carry out social work, informing about serious issues
4) Your work remains in a stable link for information and republishing and does not it is lost in the one-day post social networks (daily expires social media)
5) You can add new updates to your articles and republish them
6) Your work is Copyright Protected and will bear your name and your signature wherever it is republished
7 ) You can take part in actions of the Sitia Natural Cultivation Group
8) You can write articles whenever you like, on the topic you want
9) You are protected in what you say and write because we strictly observe the copyright protection law. and Internet Publishing.
10) Direct support between columnists with messages and phone support from the website administrator, your own account on the website as a columnist.

Contact in any way you want:

1) Comment below this article using your Google account
2) With the contact form here:  Contact
3) Post from Facebook to the youRSS365 Group:  facebook group
4) contact on Facebook with the Giannis:  facebook
5) Rss feed management page feedburner  rss =  feedvalidator  conga
6) Pinterest page manangment  https://gr.pinteres confb
7) Addthis analytics console dashboard  conem

Guidelines for level #2 columnists

  • We carefully read the Terms of Use  tab 
  • We carefully read the tab N.2121/1993 
  • We carefully read the exceptions tab of Law 2121/1993 
  • After we have fully understood what  Creative Commons and  ©COPYRIGHT  are, we proceed to write articles respecting the rights of every Book, photo, video, PDF creator and proceed to  publish articles in full compliance with Law  N.2121/1993  on copyright,
  • We publish articles for reasons EXCLUSIVELY for information and education (no.25), also uses the citation of short excerpts of articles, books, and writings legally published to support the opinion of the one who cites them and criticize the opinion of the readers and bloggers of the website us under the condition that their origin and their creator and publisher (a.19) are ALWAYS indicated with an active LINK and refers to the original source of publication. 
  • ATTENTION we always look for and find the original source of the article and its author and not its translator, in many articles you will get a page from another country as the creator
  • Please  feel free to call or e-mail an author and ask them to e-mail you permission to republish a portion of their work with attribution to the author and any other links the author wishes.
  • If we cannot find or the author does not give us permission to republish, we find another source or create our own text, form, photo, PDF, Video, etc.
  • You can send us your articles, text, form, photo, PDF, Video by contacting  us here  or post it directly here on  facebook yourss365 Cultivation Group
  • users who write articles all the time and know how to make blog posts directly , we will later give them blog author rights to write articles directly from their computer, by  logging in with their google account
  • We ALWAYS welcome the opposite point of view, even if we think it is wrong, Counter - We give our own informed opinion
  • We NEVER CURSE or use DEFAMING expressions , but we state our evidence and leave it to the readers to judge. For example , we NEVER say "THE TADE product is a fraud because it is an OPINION" but we put it as follows , HOW CAN the TADE product be a fraud??? - Premise 1 + source 1 & Premise 2 + source 2 & premise 3 + source 3..... etc and let the readers judge.
  • Valid sources are NOT something written on a blog or in a chat but BOOKS, RESEARCH, STUDIES, EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS and Articles on websites, blogs, newspapers, magazines that meet our PERSONAL  evaluation criteria see  Internet Source Evaluation Criteria  , but if somewhere quote, text, point of view, etc. is not documented for SURE and we can publish it with the marking Caution !!! Undocumented  + Source 
Image editing tools
image  and  use whichever you like

How do we scale our photos to the maximum size allowed?
GO Start > Programs >> Utilities  >>> Painting mspaint is windows paint we use it to set our image to the maximum allowed pixels which is width length 640 and height Automatic

Then we save the image in JPG format  :  CLICK > Save as > ImageName650.jpg , Change the name of the new image to ImageName640 to distinguish it from our original image, it is good that the name is relevant to the topic, e.g. elia -dakos640.jpg How to create PDF files Free Tool

How we adjust the size of the Videos
We upload our videos to our YouTube channel and set them to be PUBLIC  so that other users can see them. Our video will not need conversions because youtube does them automatically, in our publication we will use the LINK of the VIDEO

How we edit and mix video

Use what suits you best, everything is simple and easy to use 

Free copywriters
Use what suits you best, everything is very good, the easiest and simplest text editor is Google Docs and if you use it you will be able to embed your documents directly in the blog and it saves directly in Google Drive
You will find more Informants and tools in our specialized blog here

Read on 

How to copy articles from other sites smartly and legally

How to automatically publish articles with your own signature

Starting posts from the Google Blogger Platform

After you have become a columnist we have added you to the columnist page with your Google profile 

We enter GOOGLE and our account and press the BLOG button.

We write or paste the article the article and publish it (It will automatically be referred to as the author of the article and you will see in your e-mail the notifications from readers' comments

1) Click create a new post

2) Set a title and write like Word

Video Photos you will have to  upload  because they are not pasted from Word
Videos can also be easily embedded if you have uploaded them to YouTube or Facebook

How to adjust the size of our photos to the maximum allowed to load on mobiles and tablets quickly:

1) Download is free app
2) File - Load : load the image , 
2) Image - Resize :  set our image to the maximum allowed pixels which is width length  640  and height Automatic

3) File - Save : Save the image as JPG compresed by 70%

This photo Resized to 640x480 and saved as jpg 70% quality, the original photo size is 900K and after the compression the new photo is 47K that means the image load x20 faster , VERY IMORTANT wen users read the webpage using mobile devices ( phones or tablets )

Yo done it , You are a Hero !!!

Helpful tip: Save the image in  JPG format  :  CLICK  >  Save as  >  ImageName650.jpg  , Change the name of the new image to ImageName640 to distinguish it from our original image, it is good that the name is relevant to the topic

Contact:  Fill out the contact form here

Call us Now (You can also call us directly)
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Website Information.

world daily news

World daily news free Newspaper :  business daily news , Live TV  , complete articles, entertainment daily news, Daily viral , Daily headlines, lifestyle daily news, politics daily news, science daily news, sports daily news, technology daily news, travel daily news, Funny Videos and Photos

World daily News, business, TV , complete articles, entertainment, funny, headlines, lifestyle, politics, science, sports, technology, travel, viral

Main category: News

Sub category: Braking News

Image source

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