Turkey plans to occupy Greek islands by force


Situation Report on the crisis between Turkey and Greece, over the sovereignty on islands in the Aegean Sea. Since the 1970s, both countries have come close to armed confrontation over those contested territories which both Turkey and Greece claim as rightfully theirs according to the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. A flashpoint could happen any moment. What makes things even more complicated is that both are NATO members.

Turkey plans to occupy Greek islands by force

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While our attention is fixated on Ukraine, we might be facing a second crisis as tensions are mounting between Greece and Turkey. To make things even more complicated, both are NATO members. It's not the first time Greece and Turkey are saber -rattling over control on the Aegean Sea. Since 1992,
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five Turkish and six Greek pilots have been killed or wounded in dogfights, aerial provocations and accidents. In September, the president of Turkey, Erdogan, threatened neighboring Greece, saying that Turkey would suddenly come one night, and that when the time comes, Turkey will do what is necessary. He was referring to
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the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. What made things even worse is that in July Erdogan's nationalist ally, happily posed with a map depicting half of Greece's Aegean islands, including Crete, as Turkish territory. And then he doubled down, claiming that the maritime jurisdiction and airspace of multiple Greek islands undoubtedly
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and legally belong to Turkey. This is part of Turkey's new maritime doctrine, nicknamed the Blue Homeland, suggesting that Turkey is allowed to lay claim to the entire eastern half of the Aegean Sea. And why shouldn't we believe Erdogan's threats? Remember how he brought up the idea of establishing a
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security zone in the north of Syria continuously for four years before intervening militarily in 2016. And to add to these threats, this year, Turkey will commission a new 27 ,000 ton amphibious assault ship, the TCG Anadolu, that can board both helicopters, UAVs and landing crafts. And if it wasn't
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enough, Greece and Turkey might even go to war for a tiny island for the control of a tiny nine square kilometer island called Castellorizo. I'm sure you have many questions, so before we start with a historical background of this conflict, a quick word from our sponsor. I'm presenting to
119.36 - 138.04
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Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ75D-joNw8

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