THE Story of the Day, Once Upon a Time in Cina vs Greece (Economic model difference)



THE Story of the Day, Once Upon a Time .....
Underdeveloped China, since it gave away the silicon valley for free to all the tech companies and offered them cheap labor and cheap Energy, became GREAT China, and then the growth was rapid, and now it has technologically surpassed even the most advanced carats on the planet like USA, Germny, Japan!!! ( See my previous post with the automatic Taxis )

The biggest factors for being a FIRST state are simple. >>>
  • 1a) Labor Costs
  • 1b) Quality of Workforce
  • 2) Energy Cost
  • 3) Fuel costs
  • 4) Taxation of Export companies
  • 5) Insurance costs

The Greek STATE by BELIEF regardless of who rules decades now applies the opposite model (I call it the HUNGER MODEL),
And while the a1 (pure labor) is surprisingly low and the a2 workforce quality among the best on the planet (everyone abroad knows that the Greek works and they prefer us), the remaining 4 skyrocketed and made them the highest in the galaxy system, having the impression that in the short term (only SHORT TERM destroying Development and *knowing the consequences!!!) he will have higher income,

How China Is Rewiring Its Faltering Economy

In addition, he gave the banks powerful weapons laws to wipe out any industry in the country (Interest on the Interest of the Interest that is rebuilt, the Interest and multiply the original loan capital) and

That's how he ranked us LAST COUNTRY ON THE PLANET in everything, and right now you are the UNEMPLOYED or WORKING and you don't get along.

Even in the State revenues which with the GREEK HUNGER MODEL are PAINFUL compared to the CHINA TYPE DEVELOPMENT MODEL !!!!.

The Recipe for Success is SIMPLE and tested but we as a STATE and not as a NATION do the EXACT OPPOSITE.

*Explanation (Sorry if you mercilessly crush an industry, increase its energy costs, overtax it and increase its insurance contributions, don't you know that it will either close or move to Turkey, Albania, Romania, Poland, Skopje???,

Understanding China's economic system: Socialism with Chinese characteristics

Even the banks that were the initiators of the disaster in the end LOST huge sums, and what was left for them? Useless dilapidated rotten buildings, and rusty machinery ?? without the slightest value ?? with the HUNGER MODEL that had been applied, who would buy them? who would reopen the industries??? THE NOBODY ??? , MAYBE even now these banks are now working as electronic payment intermediaries, and not as funds-moving banks ??? ).

What have you not understood???
And they lived well and we, the worst!!!

Why China's Economy is About to Collapse

With the HUNGER model, no one wins
- The State loses (Tax payments, customers - *If 10,000 businesses close in a year, the State automatically loses 10,000 customers and huge funds of monthly collections. )
- Banks lose (Customers, Revenue, freezing of money flow)
- The Private Employee loses ( Basic Hunger Wage )
- The Public Servant loses (Continuous reductions in salary, benefits, pension)
- Consumer Loses (Accuracy)
- The Pensioner Loses (Cuts)
- Losing Public Health and Education (Dramatic Cuts)
- The Country's Strength is losing (We will analyze this thorn later)

- But it is up to us as a Nation to build a Greek Silicon Valley and to correct 2,3,4,5 with a bill within 1 day.
End of Joke (Fairytale) of the Day (Or isn't it???), to see opinions, please disagree with me openly!!!

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