Did September 14, 1922 All Europe celebrate the End of Christianity in Asia?


Rare shocking historical record, one of the articles you will NOT find easily on the internet!!!
- Did September 14, 1922 All of Europe celebrate the End of Christianity in Asia?
- On September 14, 1922, did the Europeans create a Powerfull Islamic Turkey and uproot everything Christianic from Asia?
- Did you see the burning of the last Christian stronghold in Asia on September 14, 1922? Europe celebrated the burial of Christianity in Asia, and is preparing a new Islamic world for its children and grandchildren?
- Is it possible that there is now a huge and powerful Islamic state that promotes Islam in Europe, so the Europeans, hunting down the Greeks, dug a hole in Christianity all over Europe, and opened wide the doors for the Consolidation of Islam. ?
- On September 14, 1922, gentlemen, you destroyed the Acrites of Christianity in Asia, well done, Is it that Islam surrounds you and you will now enjoy Islam in your own neighborhood - Is it that the sins of Europe are finally being paid for !!!

But who cares about them, and who cares about them!!! No one, scroll quickly to find a funny video to make you laugh.
Gul Baxe (A lad of twenty, traditional)
It is the story of a young soldier who left in his 20s for the war but was killed on the way back. As he was cooling off he ordered his mother and sister to do whatever they want since he is now dead.


Could it be that September 14, 1922 How the Europeans created a Pandemic Islamic Turkey and uprooted everything Christian from Asia?

Did you see the last Christian stronghold of Asia burning down on September 14, 1922? Europe celebrated the burial of Christianity in Asia, and is preparing a new Islamic world for its children and grandchildren?
Is it possible that  now there is a huge and powerful Islamic state that promotes Islam in Europe, so the Europeans hunting down the Greeks dug a hole in Christianity all over Europe, and opened wide the doors for the Consolidation of Islam. ?

Did September 14, 1922,  gentlemen, you destroyed the Acrites of Christianity in Asia, well done,  Did Islam surround you and you will  now enjoy Islam in your own neighborhood,  Did  the sins finally pay!!!

Gul Baxe (A lad of twenty, traditional)
It is the story of a young soldier who left in his 20s for the war but was killed on the way back. As he was cooling off he ordered his mother and sister to do whatever they want since he is now dead.

γκιουλ μπαχτσε - Gul Bahce


A lad of twenty years
the chariots were given to him for the war

War did not find back returned,
halfway through he got thirsty

He stooped down to drink water at Gul Baxe,
there he received a bullet

Sir, tell the woman with the babogria
and to my sister the nun

She wants to wear black, she wants to get married,
they killed me in Gul Baxe 


Gul Bahce
Where is this Gul Bahce? (Gul Bahce) good question Manolis, so look at what I found, and don't ask why he fought there, nor should the Middle Asian coasts normally belong to Pion, he said no one feels the past is forgotten, the Turks can come out and claim Brachonis but NO GREEK came out to claim the Greek region of Asia Minor, come on, drag the screen, scroll down quickly, in a video with someone making jokes, or in some post with a girl with few clothes!! OK, stay there, the rest are fine print, Manolis.

The dawn of the 20th century found Greece in a state of war with its victorious participation in the two Balkan wars and in World War I on the side of the Entente. The conditions that followed enabled her to increase her territory and shift her borders.

With the end of the wars, the Greek troops landed with allied permission in Asia Minor with the aim of restoring peace and order, as well as the protection of the Christian and minority populations from the arbitrariness of the Turks, who, on the borders of the national restoration, they were expelled from their ancestral homes, but at the same time they envisioned and claimed the annexation of these areas within the framework of the Great Idea.

In the first Regiment that was lucky enough to set foot on the holy ground of Smyrna on May 2/15, 1919 under Colonel Zafiriou. 

With special emotion and feelings of joy, it disembarked at the jetty of Smyrna, paraded on its waterfront, enthusiastically participated in the welcome festival and warmed the greatness of this city with the fusion of the culture of Greeks, Armenians, Israelites and Turks.

The Destruction of Smyrna (Color)

Operations quickly began and his Regiment began to advance victoriously into the interior of Turkey. He met Aidini, Pergamum, Ayvali, fought in Usak, Afyon Karahisar, crossed Sangario, felt the hot air of the Salty desert and from afar saw the flickering lights of Ankara.
But the change of diplomatic tactics of France and Italy and the partial support of England, the war organization of the Young Turks and the national division, resulted in retreat, defeat and then destruction, uprooting, genocide and refugee .
The first regiment was decimated by some lucky ones as soon as they had time to board the ships and begin the return. From afar they could see Smyrna burning and his dreams, his hopes, his vision and his struggles were burning together. Their joy, excitement and hope were wrecked, their hearts were broken, and the Great Idea was extinguished forever.

Mustafa Kemal: "You all should have been slaughtered. Let none live"

The Destruction of Smyrna 
"In Vourla, the bad started on August 29. The Turks entered our houses and set us on fire. Later they told us they were rebels and then the regular army came and rounded us up. They caught us all together, my father was slaughtered, my brother was burned, the young people were rounded up and taken to the East. 
When we left it was September 16. The truth is that our Turkish neighbors were not to blame for anything. They were locked in their houses and they were also crying for the evil that befell us. I will say who is to blame with a verse from the poem "The Catastrophe": "The Turks didn't defeat Greece. They couldn't. But they weren't human either. Greece was defeated, surprisingly, by division, Levantines and Europe". 

Venizelos made the biggest disaster. In the heat of war, should elections be held in Greece?" The quote belongs to Filio Chaidemenou, in an interview she gave to Anastasia Paretzoglou for the book "Greece is a Woman" (published by Livani). 
Filio Chaidemenou, a refugee from Asia Minor and founder of the Folklore Museum of Asia Minor located in Alsos New Philadelphia, told us the horrors experienced by non-Muslims at the hands of the mischievous Chets (mainly of Kurdish origin) and the Turkish army.
The Asia Minor Catastrophe implies the death of Hellenism in Asia Minor and the failure to implement the Great Idea and the liberation of the unredeemed populations. For the Greeks it is the Catastrophe, for the Turks the War of Independence (Kurtuluş Savaşı - Kurtuluş Savaşı).
1922: The Destruction of Smyrna (Greek Film 1978)

On the eve of Panagia, the front collapsed and the Greek defensive line retreated. The Greek army began to leave the interior of Asia Minor in the direction of Smyrna. In the process, it burned Turkish villages and blew up vital points such as bridges, warehouses, railway lines and gas stations.
On August 19, the High Commissioner of Smyrna, Aristides Stergiadis, in a confidential circular, ordered civil servants "... to pack their files. All civil servants must gather... and be ready to leave at the earliest." At the same time, the British consul coordinated the actions for the immediate exit of the British nationals from Smyrna. 
On August 27, 28 and 29, the British left by ship for Cyprus. On August 26, the Greek government ordered the evacuation of all of Asia Minor. On the same day, the Higher General Military Command, the Garrison and the last officers and soldiers of the Greek army boarded the Greek steamships "Byzantion" and "Kyknos" bound for Piraeus. The national anthem was played for the last time and the crowd on the waterfront burst into sobs. High Commissioner Stergiadis boarded the British battleship "Iron Duke" and arrived in Nice, France where he died in 1950. In the interim, he did not dare to visit Greece because of his criminal irresponsibility that condemned the Greeks of Asia Minor.

The Destruction of Smyrna

Turkish troops entered Smyrna on the morning of August 27. The American writer Edward Bierstadt collected testimonies of his compatriots who lived through the events of Smyrna and conveys to us in detail the situation in the city and its surroundings. ''The first to enter were dressed in black, wearing black fez with a red crescent and star, they were on horseback and carried long maces. With one hand raised, they shouted to the residents not to be afraid. But the inhabitants of Smyrna, knowing the reputation of the Turks, were terrified. All morning the Turkish troops marched into the city, and at about 3:00 p.m. that Saturday afternoon, they began the looting, raping, and murdering that cannot be described in words.''
General Nuredin Pasha was appointed as the military commander of Smyrna. Together with two soldiers he went to the Metropolis of Agia Fotini and asked Metropolitan Chrysostomos to follow him. It was preceded by the dispatch of two French soldiers to Chrysostomos on the initiative of an Italian Catholic priest, to accompany him to the French Consulate where he would find asylum. Chrysostomos rejected the proposal stating that he must remain by the side of his flock.
Noureddin Pasha led him to Diikitirio Square together with two other prominent Greeks of the city, the provost Georgios Klimanoglou and the jurist Nikolaos Tsourouktsoglou. There, he ordered the immediate execution of the last two and went up to the balcony of the Governor's Office. He addressed the crowd of about 1,500 Turks pointing to Metropolitan Chrysostomos and telling them, ''If he has done you good, repay him. If he hurt you, hurt him too! I deliver to you the hirsiz domuz (pig thief)''. The Turks began to beat him with crowbars and sticks. 

The Greco-Turkish war 1919-1922

They pulled out his beard and led him to the Turkish mahalla where they stabbed him, cut off his nose and ears, gouged out his eyes and finished him off with two bullets to the head. In 1992, the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece declared Chrysostom a Saint. It is celebrated and honored on August 27. At the same time, in the suburb of Bournova, the inhabitants led by Panagiotis Xeros fought against the Chets and the battle lasted all night. As they were outnumbered many lost the battle and in the morning those inhabitants who did not manage to escape were executed. Similar atrocities occurred in the suburb of Bouja. The men were executed and about two hundred women and children were locked up in the orphanage for protection. The American professor of the "Paradisos" College of Smyrna reported that all the women and children in the orphanage were massacred. Also, the Romanian consul revealed that the Turks arrested a Greek priest, put out his eyes and crucified him.  


In the city of Smyrna, the massacres started from the Armenian quarter of Agios Stefanos. The Turkish soldiers blocked all communication routes of the district with the rest of the city. The US consul in Smyrna, George Horton, wrote, ''The roads leading to the Armenian quarter were guarded by Turkish soldiers. While the massacre lasted, no one was allowed to enter. The most shocking moments of the tragedy unfolded in the cathedral of Agios Stefanos, where more than 4,000 people had taken refuge. 

The Turks asked the prisoners to come out and surrender, and the Armenians, knowing what awaited them, refused. They then received fire and grenades, while afterwards the Turks invaded the precinct and inside the temple, slaughtering and executing. Those who survived were taken, per 100 people, to Diikitirio Square, where they were murdered in cold blood by the Turkish execution squads.'' Unlike Metropolitan Chrysostomos, the Armenian Bishop Gevont Turian sought asylum in a Catholic church institution and secretly left for the USA where he was murdered by fellow Armenians, accused of treason.

1919-1922 The Asia Minor campaign and the disaster THE DAILY

Armenian and Greek men from 15 to 45 years of age were taken to the labor battalions (amele tambourou) where they met a tragic death from the exhausting work and sufferings. About 160,000 men never returned. The suffering of the non-Muslims had no end. The whole of Smyrna was covered by the shrieks and screams of women who had been raped, European witnesses saw headless babies in the streets of the Armenian quarter, whole families were executed in cold blood, while even the French Red Cross nurses and the Catholics were not spared from the fury of the Turks. sisters of the Order of Mercy who were massacred in the line of duty. 

The evangelical priest Father Maltas was executed and the president of the American College, Alex McLachlan, was tortured to death. The International Red Cross sent a delegation to Kemal Ataturk to agree to the evacuation of Izmir. After suffocating pressure, Kemal Atatürk allowed Greek and other ships to enter the port of Smyrna. The evacuation began on September 11 and lasted a week. On September 13, 19 ships entered Smyrna to save the world. A total of 300,000 refugees crossed into Greece. Asia Minor refugees as captured in the lens of Nellis Souyoutzoglou
People waited excruciatingly in queues to get onto the ships while Turkish soldiers conducted thorough checks, stripping people of their valuables and arresting any males over 15 to send them to the labor battalions. Mothers dressed their boys in women's clothing to pass them onto the ships, horrific images of human suffering and misery unfolded. People were falling into the sea to swim to the foreign ships and the Turks were shooting into the sea. The ships were sinking from the weight while the city was burning behind and the fire had even reached the coastal buildings.

The Greek-Turkish War / The Asia Minor Campaign [1919-1922]

The fires started in the Armenian quarter and quickly spread throughout Smyrna. American professors and sailors tell of Turkish soldiers pouring into the narrow streets of Smyrna carrying canisters of oil and kerosene, washing the houses, churches and Catholic temples. Of the 46 Orthodox churches, three were saved. The arsons destroyed 3/5 of the area of ​​Smyrna, leaving the Turkish quarter intact. The official position of Turkish historiography presents the fires as the work of the Armenians and Greeks themselves, so that the Turks would not find their houses safe and live in them. What to answer to this audacity?
Daily news – 07/09/1922: ''The fire started in the Armenian quarter... Turkish soldiers poured oil on the houses and set them on fire. Clearly, the Turkish authorities could have prevented the spread of the fire. The Turkish soldiers, acting deliberately, were the main causes of the terrible destruction.''
Daily Telegraph – 05/09/1922: ''Only the Turkish quarter was left standing, as well as a few houses in Punda... The regular Turkish Army set many places on fire, fueled by the incendiary bombs which they continuously dropped into the flames. The scenes of carnage that followed were horrific.''

Echo de Paris – 07/09/1922: ''Soon, the fires reached 20... The Kemals surrounded the Armenian quarter and started burning the houses, throwing bombs and pouring oil''.

From Great Greece to the Asia Minor Catastrophe
The US consul, George Horton, had expressed that Kemal Atatürk could occupy Izmir peacefully, without allowing his troops to go to extremes. Without rapes, looting, murders and fires. Just with a formal handover of power ceremony. Thus he would have gained the trust of the people of Smyrna and the city would have maintained its dynamism and pluralism.
Horton was a man who had lived most of his life in the East. He loved Smyrna and felt it as his homeland. When he left to see the fire leveling his beloved city, he exclaimed, "I am ashamed to belong to the human species."

The civilian casualties and the genocide of the Greeks

The Turks entered Smyrna on Saturday morning (August 27/September 9) with relative order, but from the evening of the same day, Turkish civilians first, and soldiers thereafter, began to commit sporadic looting and murder. On Sunday, new forces of the Turkish army arrived, while the massacres of the Greek and Armenian population, as well as the looting, intensified.

Greek victims of the massacres in Smyrna in 1922

By Wednesday, August 31/September 13, the destruction of the Armenian quarter was complete, and it was razed to the ground. From the evening of the same day, the looting and killing of Greeks intensified, which continued for many days after the Turks entered the city. During these incidents, Metropolitan Chrysostomos was also beheaded, who was handed over to the mob by the new commander of the city, Lieutenant General Nuredin. Among the victims, there were also isolated cases of Western murders, such as the British Colonel Murphy who was killed while trying to protect his staff from robbery and rape, or the Dutch merchant Oscar de Jongh and his wife.

The massacres of Greeks and Armenians by the Turks caused the American Consul in Smyrna, George Horton, to write: "One of the strongest feelings I took with me from Smyrna was the feeling of shame, because I belonged to the human genus"

Greek-Turkish War 1919-1922 - A Monkey Lost the War - Someone who saw that I was dealing with the issue sent me this video, I put Greek subtitles on it and I present it to you, it is the story of a Turk from Asia Minor (The Turks Celebrate 1922 as we celebrate 1940 ) for the events.
- HOW NOT to Note the role of Russia, France, Hostile attitude from the beginning, and England who sold us dry and made Turkey a SUPERPOWER ???
- MAYBE you now also see the Islamic caravans that GREAT TURKEY is sending to Europe, and how Islam is slowly and steadily taking control of Europe???
- COULD ALL OF THIS BE THE PAYMENT FOR THE CRIMES they committed towards Greece and Europe's intense desire for a HUGE Turkey, a HUGE Turkey you wanted me???
- MAYBE your sins are being paid for by your Grandchildren Now ??? Maybe in a few years you will put Ferentzes on your grandchildren so that they are not in danger from Islamic attacks, even though your grandfather gave an order for 6 years to sabotage Greece and every call for help and all the money and weapons to be demonstratively given to Turkey? ??
- Lest you pay for the mistakes and Sins of your ancestors NOW, lest your Grandson pay now that you gave an order not to help the civilians to board the ships but to cut their **ropes and **hands (**many eyewitness accounts) in order to be slaughtered by the Turkish Mob ???
- HOWEVER, the Greek from Elsewhere is not affected by this, and he will remain an innocent and undistinguished Greek with his good and his bad, as he has been for thousands of years now because he has learned to live with Islam???
*And I'm NOT saying this for fun, I'm saying it with historical facts, e.g. The Turkish rule in Greece 1453-1821, how did it affect the Greek??? in ANYTHING??? instead of assimilating him he UNIFIED him unlike all the other states of the Ottoman Empire who FULLY assimilated them religiously and morally ???
- MAYBE the Conclusion and Moral Lesson is: Europeans, beware and support the Greek Acrites of Europe, not supporting them harms YOU and NOT the Greeks???
- Question from a European: Why, John, should I support the Greek??? what do i have to gain??? - John's answer in the next Article !!!!

On Wednesday, the fire also broke out, initially in the Armenian quarter. According to the History of the Greek Nation, the arson was undoubtedly premeditated and organized, as the Turkish soldiers who committed it used canisters of gasoline and incendiary bombs. The many pieces of information provided by the eyewitnesses completely refute the official Turkish position that the arson was committed by Armenians or Greeks to take revenge on the Turks. The fire consumed the entire city, except for the Muslim and Jewish quarters, and lasted from August 31 to September 4 (in the old calendar).

The city was evacuated of its Greek and Armenian population and the thousands of refugees who had flocked there (according to L. Oikonomou they reached 300,000 ), until the end of September 1922 (old calendar).
The Greco-Turkish War & The Turkish War Of Independence - First Phase 1919 I THE GREAT WAR 1920

The responsibility for the destruction
According to the German historian, professor of history and expert on Greece and Cyprus, Heinz A. Richter , "The two main culprits for the atrocities that followed the occupation of Smyrna by the Turks are the Valis of the city, the general Nuredin Pasha and his commander-in-chief, Mustafa Kemal , who was the one who appointed him to this position."
  • Only England support the Greeks , to use the Greek army for its own strategic interests but later trate them  ( Turks frendship , Turk OILS )
  • FRANCE trate the Greeks for Turks Frendship ( Turks frendship , Turk OILS )
  • ITALY Fight aganst Greeks ( in all world history Italy fights aganst the Greeks )
  • RUSIA Fight aganst Greeks 
  • Europ give Weapons Money and Help the Turks
  • Greek army defese and Wait one year for Help from Europ , but Europ Help Turks to isolated the Greeks and Contributed to the Genocide and the annihilation of the Greeks and Cristianism from Asia.
  • Maby The rapid expansion of Islam in Europe is Europe's punishment for treason and complicity in the Genocide of the Greeks in Asia ?

The end of 3000 Years Greek Civil in Asia end of
September 14 1922 The End of Christianity in Asia ???

Turning Point in the Greco-Turkish War - Battles of Sakarya and İnönü I THE GREAT WAR 1921

Europe is paying for its sins ? Santa Sophia of King Constantius the Great, the Largest Christian Church in Asia became an Islamic mosque, and the Europeans were happy that the Greeks were driven out, of asia !!! no problem EVERYBODY ARE HAPPY !!! but in the end who will cry for all these sins of Europe, against the Greeks we don't know ??? 
But shouldn't your children know that they are paying for the sins of their grandfathers??? in order not to repeat the same mistakes against the Greeks ???

Europe is paying for its sins ? , and its decision to destroy its only Greek christian protectors in Asia, does it now have in front of it a huge Islamic empire, a superpower that is rapidly exterminating Islam in Europe?

Why NATO’s Biggest Internal Problem is Turkey

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