Kremlin Blasts Were Real. The Rest Is Hazy, Maybe Intentionally.

NYT WORLD: Kremlin Blasts Were Real. The Rest Is Hazy, Maybe Intentionally.
By Michael Schwirtz
Section: World
Source: New York Times
Published Date: May 4, 2023 at 03:00AM

Kyiv and Moscow angrily blamed each other after two explosions in an apparent drone attack on the heart of Russian power, but whose outrage is real?

The only indisputable facts about Wednesday’s incident at the Kremlin are that there were two explosions around 2:30 a.m. above Russia’s most important political and cultural symbol, and that both Moscow and Ukraine reacted with outrage.
But whose outrage was real and whose was feigned?
In this war, the battle over the narrative is as important as the battle in the field. While the Kremlin frequently lies and uses its powerful government-controlled media to craft alternative realities, Ukraine, too, has proved adept at bending the truth to serve its wartime agenda.
Cutting through the competing narratives to get to the truth can prove to be a tricky thing, and that perhaps is the point. Both sides stand to gain when their intentions and methods remain obscured by fog.
Was the apparent drone attack a bold but largely symbolic action by Ukraine aimed at embarrassing President Vladimir V. Putin as he prepares to preside over the annual Victory Day Parade on Red Square next week? Was it a staged Russian provocation meant to justify still harsher attacks on the Ukrainian population, or perhaps against Ukraine’s leadership?

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