A social network is a social structure consisting of a set of actors, such as individuals or organizations. On the internet, social networks are a platform maintained for the creation of social relationships between people, who are usually active members of the social network, with common interests or activities.

Its strength is its simplicity, it is gaining the trust of internet users every day and its members are constantly increasing.
What characterizes this particular Social Network from the rest, are the publications with a limit of 140 characters, as well as the promotion of public dialogue. Its use has mainly to do with information and in Greece it is characterized as the means of speech. Twitter differs from the competition websites in terms of the actions that members can take with more important, after the permanent blocking of our newspaper twitter we pat the alternative social networks
Titter is not a good choies to promote your business , the AI see you as Enemy and is possible to lost forever your twitter account and all the work on it.
Social networking sites are organized websites on the Internet with a more group-oriented character that provide, in the vast majority, a range of basic and free services such as creating profiles, uploading images and videos, commenting on actions taken by other members of the network or a group, instant messaging and more.
Additionally, members are allowed to share ideas, photos, posts, activities, events, and other commons with members in their network. Along with search websites, social networking websites are among the most popular websites of all categories and of all websites. This statistic applies to the whole world.
How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Business and Drive Traffic to Your Website
The presence and promotion of the business on social media is now imperative because:
- People spend more time on social network pages than on simple websites
- It is POWERFUL advertising for your business (Sends people to your website)
- It is beginning to outpace even television advertising at a comparatively zero cost
- Interact with your customers
- People see NEW content all the time and don't get bored of the same things
- They help you maintain your relationships with your customers and also make New customers

If you are confused about where and on which social networks your business will have a presence, we will try to clarify things. Below you will find the list of the top 11 social networking sites. Networks numbered #1 through #5 are recommended. 1# Facebook

Facebook pages and new Store tools and options increases your business Promotion.

Bluesky do not ban you for your promotion messages for your business
Reddit is divided into a multitude of interest groups known as subreddits. Reddit is a well-known network that has been around for quite a while. The site is modeled off of classic message boards, and so doesn’t look or act the same as a Twitter feed — instead, it is divided into subgroups, known as subreddits, and you can join whatever subreddit piques your interest — anime, crochet, Star Wars, sci-fi literature, or whatever flavor of politics, religion, or social topics you may want to chat about. There can be more than one subreddit handling a different aspect of a topic or that has a different type of moderation. Each subreddit has its own rules, and the moderator can kick you out if you don’t adhere to them. You start a topic, and the discussion on that topic is threaded;you can upvote or downvote a topic or one of the entries in a topic. Because the interface is threaded, there can be discussions in which an author answers questions about a book or a tech expert helps with problems. But Reddit is big, so expect to spend some time exploring before you find your communities. Reddit allow you to create section ( channel ) to Promote your business
Pinterest is a Social Media dominated by images, both static and animated (GIF), while video content is also supported. Lately, and with new features like Guided Search on desktop and mobile devices, Pinterest has been seen by many as evolving more into an image search engine than a Social Network. Since its inception, Pinterest has attracted more women than men, since its topics were mainly related to fashion, wedding, cooking, etc. Now, there are all kinds of topics and the Social Network is used to store images on boards. , sort of like folders, with users organizing their images based on events, cooking, etc.
Pinterest it differs in the fact that it focuses more on social networking with the object of photo sharing . This is the reason why it is preferred by web users.
Your pinterest page is convenient, free and smart , like a professional you have a photo panel (Photo panel) whose links send people to your website. pinterest tops search engines and google unlike other social networks and this makes it a HI RECOMMENDED choice for monitoring.
You have now a wall to Promote your business
Quora is a social question-and-answer website and online knowledge market headquartered in Mountain View, California. It was founded on June 25, 2009, and made available to the public on June 21, 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers that have been submitted by other users. Wikipedia . The big surprise is the Quora, allow you to create your own page and create posts with photos and videos to Promote your business , and is friendly for that , automatically convert your business link to post with photo and preview text. Your page on Quora have a domain name like : your_businnes.quora.com/ example https://yourss.quora.com/

Pinterest it differs in the fact that it focuses more on social networking with the object of photo sharing . This is the reason why it is preferred by web users.
Your pinterest page is convenient, free and smart , like a professional you have a photo panel (Photo panel) whose links send people to your website. pinterest tops search engines and google unlike other social networks and this makes it a HI RECOMMENDED choice for monitoring.
You have now a wall to Promote your business

Good to Promote your business but careful may be block your account as spam

Mastodon do not ban you for your promotion messages for your business

Live Journal


We leave the difficult ones for the end:

YouTube is used by users mostly to pass their time, since they can come across any video you can imagine on it. At Social Media Life we gather the most popular every week for the Greek audience and the global audience. On the other hand, most users who upload videos are trying to earn ad revenue.
The specific Social Media can be visited at www.youtube.com via computer and mobile devices, at www.youtube.com/tv via smart TVs, as well as via the applications for Android, iOS and other applications.
For many, YouTube is considered a Social Network, since users have a profile with which they can comment and subscribe to other channels to stay updated on the videos they upload. In fact, now users use their Google+ profile for previous actions.
Each video contains features like 'Like' and 'Dislike', through which users express their like and dislike respectively. Also, it is easy to share a video on other Social Networks, and space for comments is also provided below the videos.
One of the great features of YouTube is the algorithm that can and does suggest similar videos after watching a particular video, as well as suggested videos based on the user's viewing history.
Finally, YouTube does not require creating an account to view videos, although creating an account allows the user to subscribe to channels to be notified of future videos and use more important features.
Making a video promoting your business on YouTube must be done carefully smartly and correctly , with specialized video editing tools, mistakes are NOT forgiven, don't forget that all your video advertising campaign MUST start from here and then spread to the other social networks .
Ads can be placed on top of (high audience) videos, making it something like the TV of the future, this has created an entire marketing industry based on this feature in relation to audience. but that is another entirely different chapter.
YouTube give you multiple tools to promote your business
Ads can be placed on top of (high audience) videos, making it something like the TV of the future, this has created an entire marketing industry based on this feature in relation to audience. but that is another entirely different chapter.
YouTube give you multiple tools to promote your business

It is the strangest and most embarrassing social network, but you would definitely like to have a presence if you are a user of mobile devices (Smartphones, tablets).
In total there are more than 200 million registered users, who have uploaded more than 20 billion photos, upload more than 60 million photos daily and make more than 1.6 billion likes on photos and videos every day.
Ways to connect to Instagram
Instagram has apps for Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices. Mainly, the previous applications are used, but there is also instagram.com , through which users can connect from a computer or mobile device, having limited functions.
How Instagram works
Each user has their own profile, which they can enrich with a profile photo, bio, link (to a site), etc. By default, each profile is public to view, as are their photos and videos, something that can be changed through the settings.
There are no friendships on Instagram. On the contrary, the philosophy of followers works, i.e. each user follows any users he wishes and is followed by those who are interested in his content. By following users, their photos and videos are displayed through the user's home screen.
Each user can use the app's camera function to take a photo or video (maximum 15 seconds) and then edit it through the various filters and tools. There is also the option of selecting old photos and videos from the device's memory.
It is no longer true that Uploading photos and videos is possible only through mobile devices and not through a computer. From a computer one can do everything with the Google Chrome plugins that simulate a mobile phone on your desktop.
As you understood, every photo or video receives likes and comments, since there is no possibility to share photos, nor to download. Each user has their own content in their profile. Of course, there are third-party applications that either allow downloading or sharing photos, the so-called repost.
Instagram supports hashtags, grouping photos and videos around specific topics, as well as tagging, tagging users in photos, and personal messages.
Finally, the app has very good features for exploring new photos and videos. In addition to hashtags, there is a separate "Explore" option with photos and videos that are either popular around the world, or have been commented on or liked by those the user follows. Also, there are updates that testify to the activity of those we follow.
At Social Media Life we keep you up to date with all the latest Instagram news, as well as all of them
Of course we left behind two IMPORTANT topics which are the Google Blog , and the local online business directories like for example google my business which tend to be social networks and not only that, but we will see these in another post separately. for example, right now you are reading from our google blog , which is not as boring as our website , you are constantly finding new topics and you can rate us under each article, write comments and open a social discussion about the topic...!! !
- It does not accept you to upload conventional videos but videos of vertical orientation as if on the tablet or mobile phone we cannot take and display a 16:9 video or photo
- You don't post from the computer but only from mobile (although with simple mobile simulator browser plugins everything is possible
- You can't make friends except by following and being followed by people as if you were on Youtube
- It has no links or websites as if the Neanderthals discovered it
In total there are more than 200 million registered users, who have uploaded more than 20 billion photos, upload more than 60 million photos daily and make more than 1.6 billion likes on photos and videos every day.
Ways to connect to Instagram
Instagram has apps for Android, iOS and Windows Phone devices. Mainly, the previous applications are used, but there is also instagram.com , through which users can connect from a computer or mobile device, having limited functions.

Each user has their own profile, which they can enrich with a profile photo, bio, link (to a site), etc. By default, each profile is public to view, as are their photos and videos, something that can be changed through the settings.
There are no friendships on Instagram. On the contrary, the philosophy of followers works, i.e. each user follows any users he wishes and is followed by those who are interested in his content. By following users, their photos and videos are displayed through the user's home screen.
Each user can use the app's camera function to take a photo or video (maximum 15 seconds) and then edit it through the various filters and tools. There is also the option of selecting old photos and videos from the device's memory.
It is no longer true that Uploading photos and videos is possible only through mobile devices and not through a computer. From a computer one can do everything with the Google Chrome plugins that simulate a mobile phone on your desktop.
As you understood, every photo or video receives likes and comments, since there is no possibility to share photos, nor to download. Each user has their own content in their profile. Of course, there are third-party applications that either allow downloading or sharing photos, the so-called repost.
Instagram supports hashtags, grouping photos and videos around specific topics, as well as tagging, tagging users in photos, and personal messages.
Finally, the app has very good features for exploring new photos and videos. In addition to hashtags, there is a separate "Explore" option with photos and videos that are either popular around the world, or have been commented on or liked by those the user follows. Also, there are updates that testify to the activity of those we follow.
At Social Media Life we keep you up to date with all the latest Instagram news, as well as all of them
Of course we left behind two IMPORTANT topics which are the Google Blog , and the local online business directories like for example google my business which tend to be social networks and not only that, but we will see these in another post separately. for example, right now you are reading from our google blog , which is not as boring as our website , you are constantly finding new topics and you can rate us under each article, write comments and open a social discussion about the topic...!! !
# Bonus video
Photo Resource:

ninite.com softpedia.com filehippo.com filepuma.com majorgeeks.com downloadcrew.com filehorse.com snapfiles.com github.com sxoleio.eu hlrnet.com gitlab.com portableapps.com donationcoder.com hiren.info cnet.com hirensbootcd.org en.softonic.com
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