The Worst Investment Scams - The Ponzi Pyramid Part 1

There are too many investment scams circulating on the internet and beyond. And while the risk in normal investments is to lose part of your capital, in scams you will lose everything you give.

Ponzi: The Financial Idiot Who Scammed the WorldThe history of the Ponzi scheme, and the story of Charles Ponzi, the financial fraudster who became rich and infamous with his Ponzi scam that claimed people could get rich quick thanks to the arbitrage of IRCs. Ponzi promised very high returns to investors and soon millions of dollars were being invested by those looking to get rich as fast as possible. Imagine doubling your money with an investment in 90 days, and making money with no work. Well, it sounds too good to be true, because it was... But there was a time when the financial world marvelled at the financial genius of Charles Ponzi, the man who was in charge of one of the most successful business investments in America. He had millions of dollars at his disposal and crowds of people lining up literally begging him to take their money. Little did everyone know that Ponzi’s business was built on nothing but lies. The whole thing was an outrageous scam, one which turned Ponzi into a very rich man, but ruined the lives of thousands of innocent people. Ponzi’s deception was so shocking and infamous that even now, a hundred years later, the scam still shares his name - the Ponzi scheme. This video is the untold truth of the man behind the scam, Charles Ponzi - and how to make millions of dollars with nothing but lies. This is part of MagnatesMedia's series on financial fraudsters and get rich quick schemes - check out my video on Jho Low: The man who robbed an entire country for the first episode!

In general, if you ask yourself just a few questions, it is relatively easy to avoid any investment scam: First: Is it a real and reliable company? Have I checked its reliability on third party sites or government agencies? Second: Are the returns it promises realistic or too good to be true? Madoff's company seemed perfectly reputable, and he was one of the most well-known figures on the American investment scene. But the company made a profit of 10% a year, every year, regardless of how the international stock market was doing. Let alone those who promise 15% per month, or 1% per day. Third: The person trying to convince me to invest, how pushy is he? Is he talking about some supposed offer, that if I don't commit here and now I will lose it? Most scammers use such sales tactics so that the prospective victim has no time to research or even think about it. Fourth: Did I look for an investment opportunity, or did she find me? If you received a so-called opportunity in your email, or even worse, they called you out of nowhere, chances are they are looking for a scammer. Fifth: Am I being asked to do something illegal? Both inside information and pump & dump are illegal actions. The fact that there is still no legislative framework for cryptocurrencies does not mean that you will be the smart one to make a profit. You are the victim, and you don't know it. Sixth: whoever promises to sell you the secret that will make you rich, you should ask yourself this: why would he sell it to you and not keep it for himself, so that he can become rich? Is the supposed secret actually the watermelon? Is your money his only profit?

I invest for you

probably the most widespread and addressed to the largest audience you see An Instagram post or someone commenting on YouTube somehow promises you investments with zero risk guaranteed return can be anything because on the stock market of day trading binary options Forex of course investment with cryptocurrencies that are very of fashion in the last three years if the fraudsters contact them they suggest a relatively low investment of 300 or 500 dollars for loading breadcrumbs in sight we have seen them promise a guaranteed return of 15% per month for crypto-currencies we have What can they promise that 300 dollars will become 10.800 within a month others may claim return of 1% per day typically It is urgent to join the opportunity they offer you will be valid for a short period of time because Of course if you prove it to them and I will send you a screenshot or video of the accounts they have made and how many millions each account has in them informatively these receipts are either teased and videos or live navigation in demo accounts with virtual money with patents that have closed the fact that it is a demo anyway If you fish all 300 dollars 500 dollars or more Obviously you will never see again better if you have eaten them skewer of course separated very well organized scammers have set up a site with a platform that shows the amount you put in and then you will earn which increases every day untilof course if you try to withdraw your money you will not realize that all you saw was a number in the browser that produced a java script routine and absolutely nothing else the first pillar on which this Scam is based is the fear that investment people and the salt them and such returns the ads and Scammers promise you then you don't bother investing at all to register on some platform and take any decision and any risk they have the knowledge of the market and they have discovered the secret of success You just give them the money your and they invest individually as they turn standard return is one of the main reasons that many people are fooled into investing cryptocurrencies Even if you have never heard of it appetite for fifty which The returnof 15% month probability seems excessive If you sit and think about it even for three minutes in cryptocurrencies but there is a chaos Maybe you have read on some reliable news site how clean Greek film if he bought 431 bacon of 2011 with a thousand dollars that his grandmother gave him at the age of 18 he was a millionaire and today Bitcoins are worth over 13 million this is an indisputable fact With this as a given his promise to give 300 dollars and at the end of the month there will be 10,800 means of crypto-currencies It may not sound absurd to you Irrelevant that in order to be done today that will be Bitcoin to go up 3,5% in this one don't the percentages the second pillar supporting the scam is the laziness of many people to do simple math with very basic knowledge of Excel form was Free Google spreadsheets Can you calculate how much money is 500 dollars with a return of 15% per month every month, within five years it has become 2.2 million and the monthly return will be 330 thousand 

Ponzi vs. Pyramid Scheme: What’s The Difference?

500 dollars in a cryptocurrency investment that does not promise a return of 1% per day in 154 days would make you a billionaire In 226 days it would make you a trillionaire 

When you see numbers like that you wonder since these experts found such a terrible secret with such an unreal return Why would they ask for your money Why not give 10 dollars of their own money with a return of 1% a day and they have made a million dollars in a quarter if more people did This is exactly what you asked yourself more scammers I would have given up idle the third pillar of fraud is towards the initial amount you mention the example is relatively low they don't tell you Give $10,000 the $15,000 that most people I don't have it, I just sit at the bank and they tell you 300 and 500 dollars and if you tell them you don't have it because you are unemployed, they have the answer ready, they will tell you that it is easy to borrow it in order to solve your financial problem

the supposed guarantee of the case its excellent returns that you have to send money in ways that are irreversible like through Western Union or Bit Coin And yet it must be effective in a party otherwise it would not be so widespread because many people are not faithless how giving a few hundred dollars to someone who knows the secrets will be able to make thousands of dollars if not 100° with no knowledge no effort and no risk

The scam of the case is that they say that if you invest a lot of money they will guide you as if they have an inherited gift and their predictions are infallible The point is either they predict right and you make a profit or they predict wrong and you lose everything, they have their commission get and as we said in the previous section if they had a way to make PERFECT Investment choices they don't want this information in any VIP Club they would literally make billions of dollars for themselves without calling anyone

The e-mail with confidential information

You get an email out of nowhere telling you a confidential piece of information a small pharmaceutical company has identified trials for a revolutionary new cancer drug and is announcing it within the next few days today the company's stock is a LG dollar after the announcement it will be worth hundreds if not thousands That is if you buy now It will multiply your money on the one hand it makes sense to do something to her such an email that you didn't expect and it comes from a person you didn't know but on the other hand it has no attachments So it doesn't contain anything new it doesn't have a link some page So it's not fishing you don't even know before which platform he should buy shares you can get them from where you want and how you want which is Well the fraud the fraud lies in the fact that The one I sent you the emailthey own a large number of shares of the company that mention the shares these markets are much cheaper than today's price Maybe some points these so-calledFoam stockthey keep lying about some important company announcement that will supposedly skyrocket the share price In the near future they spread it any way they can via email social media and YouTube videos people will believe it and buy shares inevitably you will raise their price This is the so-called pam the artificial inflation of the share price when the share price rises enough Scammers magically sell all the shares with more important because typically they had bought large shareholders with the mass sell-off the price Katerini and all the investors who are waiting for an announcement which does not is ever going to come had they bought stocks for a dollar or two OR more which are now worth 10 cents 5 cents or less needless to say these stocks are never going to go up in Roumeli again at this time it isthe bump comma of the answer

In the mass unloading the future we must emphasize that still new e-mail was 100% real it is about inside information it is like they apply it buy shares based on this information it is terribly illegal people I have entered Kisses second this type of fraud is not new at all if you have seen the movie the Wolf of Wall Street based on the true story of Jordan Belford This was exactly one of the scams you showed a movie that Belfort did and his employees were taking phone calls promoting Penny stocks that are not Soon to be launched to the right it is possible that it is one fraud as old as the stock market
But the worst thing is that in the crypto currency market where there is still no legislation imposing restrictions, the frauds the frauds are open and undisclosed there are total servers that tell its members to spread a well-known crypto currency of minimal value also known as SHITCOIN In order to raise its price and sell it in bulk when it goes up enough if it sounds like you Good phase of joining such servers Know that 99% of the members are also those potential victims

Ponzi skin is probably the most common type of scam and the reason is that for a short or long time it seems to work exactly as promised 
the Scam is just someone coming and telling you that if you invest in him and his company the investment will give you a significant return more than it would be in the stock market Maybe 10:20 100 a year even higher returns if it is based on some crypto currency like it was done with the now infamous bit connect the scam lies in the fact that the profit of the old investors comes solely from the money put in by the new investors there is no real investment 

The thing is, as long as new investors come in and new investors come up in the Gulf and investors spread the new system out, the pyramid is seen as a real investment opportunity.

Since someone can give 1,000 euros and actually have a 20% profit they promised him, so he tells friends and acquaintances that it really works and of course he will put all the money back in together with the profit to have an even bigger profit

 No Ponzi would work without the element of greed, but the problem is that it is only a matter of time before new investors stop coming, because they are by no means unlimited.
And that's when the whole edifice collapses and most people lose what they put in 

Ponzi schemes are divided into two types 
1) there is one company and everyone gives it their money just like Bernie Madoff's company did that for decades before it collapsed in the 2008 financial crisis 
2) The second type is the illegal pyramid scheme that incentivizes members to bring new members to the trick. That is, to enter you give say 1,000 euros and you have to find ten people to enter with 1,000 euros each of which you earn a percentage p. x from 10% from each one, and so on, here we emphasize that the intermediary pyramids are considered only those whose profits come exclusively from the attraction and registration of new members

Here we emphasize that delivery pyramids are considered those whose profits come exclusively from attracting and enrolling new members. For MLM networks such as AMWAY, the American courts concluded that it is not an illegal pyramid, the reason being that the main profit areas mainly from the sale of products and not you wrote here, we must make it clear that mlm has its own terrible problems, but at least it is not illegal like pyramid schemes. Although of course there are companies that claim to be MLM, in reality they are similar pyramids, so be careful

Ponzi: The Financial Idiot Who Scammed the World

In general if you ask yourself just a few questions it is relatively easy to avoid any future fraud 

1) First It concerns a real and reliable company I have changed its credibility to third party sites or government organizations or I only read what it says on its own site

2) Secondly are the returns he promises realistic or are they too good to be true or is it
a madoff company It seemed pretty reliable and he was one of the best known personalities in the American investment moment but Telia is a profit of 10% a year every year no matter how it went the International stock market let alone those who promise 15% month or 1% one day, Is there any person trying to convince me to invest how pushy is it ??? is he talking about some incredible offer that I should get here and now I'm going to miss it ???

3) Most of the fraudsters use the pressure sales of an extraordinary opportunity here and now so that you don't have time to even check and not even for the well-thought-out
quarter I had looked for the investment opportunity I have found it there it is by itself if an opportunity comes to you in your email on Instagram or even worse he called you out of nowhere Most likely he is looking for a clown.

4) I had looked for the investment opportunity or it found me there is it by itself if ???
The opportunity was sent to your email, Instagram, or even worse, they called you out of nowhere. Chances are, they're looking for a prankster. 

5) They ask me to do something illegal ???
both the insider information and the dump are illegal actions the fact that there is still no legislative Framework for cryptocurrencies It does not mean that you want the smart student who will make a profit, maybe you are the victim and you don't know it???

6) Who promises how he will sell you the secret that will make you rich should ask himself why he would sell it to you and not keep it himself so that he can become rich Is the secret a scam? or Is your money his only profit???
What is your opinion, do you know of any other type of political scam that we did not mention, have you stepped on it or almost stepped on some scam, do you know someone who stepped on it and lost a lot of money, we don't know him, he is from the village, write a comment.

The WORST Crypto Scammers Ever...

Caution !!! Many scammers promise super profits for Super Profits online but the old adage "Wherever you hear many cherries keep a small basket" applies to all of them. Do your own market research, talk to dealers, consumers, experts before investing time and money. Read and agree to the Terms of Use of the Website, the information published concerns links to books and Websites that exist on the internet, we are not responsible, for more information, please contact the relevant authorities, and the authors of the books and articles. And especially in serious matters, get direct instructions from the authority or the author of the article, we as a blog bear no responsibility except for therepublishingof each article. In any case, before you decide to try any proposed method, it is absolutely safe to first contact an expert on the subject, eg Accountant, Economist, Lawyer, Taxman, etc. who will advise you appropriately.

Caution !!!  Do not use Information before first taking all the necessary measures to protect your privacy and your money, contact the authors of the articles directly as they are mentioned in the source! 

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