8 Years in Trump Prison and Still Awaiting Parole

NYT OPINION: 8 Years in Trump Prison and Still Awaiting Parole
By Christopher Buckley
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: April 6, 2023 at 03:00AM

Much as I hope to see justice served — if not, at this late point, piping hot — it feels as though we’re the ones who are already in jail.

On Monday, a friend breathlessly and sheepishly emailed: “Yes, I admit it: I’m watching the motorcade from LaGuardia to Trump Tower. It’s like O.J.’s Bronco ride! And I swear, the lead car in the motorcade looks like a white Bronco! Could this be an inside joke by the N.Y.P.D.?”
As delicious — indeed, bewitching — a possibility as this might be, I found myself shrugging. I didn’t watch the motorcade, nor could I watch the arraignment, though long have I fantasized about seeing Donald Trump perp-walked, mug-shot, fingerprinted, shackled, summarily convicted and motorcaded directly from court to the South Street Seaport and put aboard a ship for St. Helena.
Why am I not jubilating, wallowing in a deep, warm bubble bath of schadenfreude? Why, instead of humming “Ding, dong, the witch is dead!” am I pressing buttons on the remote control to see what else is on — some politically themed movie, say, where the president more or less gracefully accepts proof of his villainy, resigns and helicopters off to exile in, say, California? Those were the days. Instead, what’s currently on more resembles “Groundhog Day,” a replay of a movie about replay.

Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/06/opinion/christopher-buckley-trump-indictment.html

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