Ukraine Burns Through Ammunition in Bakhmut, Putting Future Fights at Risk

NYT WORLD: Ukraine Burns Through Ammunition in Bakhmut, Putting Future Fights at Risk
By Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Lara Jakes and Eric Schmitt
Section: World
Source: New York Times
Published Date: March 16, 2023 at 02:00AM

The military is using thousands of artillery shells a day as it tries to hold the eastern city, which could jeopardize a planned springtime campaign.

The Ukrainian military is firing thousands of artillery shells a day as it tries to hold the eastern city of Bakhmut, a pace that American and European officials say is unsustainable and could jeopardize a planned springtime campaign that they hope will prove decisive.
The bombardment has been so intense that the Pentagon raised concerns with Kyiv recently after several days of nonstop artillery firing, two U.S. officials said, highlighting the tension between Ukraine’s decision to defend Bakhmut at all costs and its hopes for retaking territory in the spring. One of those officials said the Americans warned Ukraine against wasting ammunition at a key time.
With so much riding on a Ukrainian counteroffensive, the United States and Britain are preparing to ship thousands of NATO and Soviet-type artillery rounds and rockets to help shore up supplies for a coming Ukrainian offensive.

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Bonus Video
Battle For Bakhmut Live: Ukraine Burning Through Ammunition Against Russia’s Wrath Amid Stalemate

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