Joe Biden: My Plan to Extend Medicare for Another Generation

NYT OPINION: Joe Biden: My Plan to Extend Medicare for Another Generation
By Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: March 7, 2023 at 02:00AM

Medicare is the rock-solid guarantee that Americans count on. My budget will make the Medicare trust fund solvent beyond 2050.

Millions of Americans work their whole lives, paying into Medicare with every working day — starting with their first jobs, even as teenagers. Medicare is more than a government program. It’s the rock-solid guarantee that Americans have counted on to be there for them when they retire.
For decades, I’ve listened to my Republican friends claim that the only way to be serious about preserving Medicare is to cut benefits, including by making it a voucher program worth less and less every year. Some have threatened our economy unless I agree to benefit cuts.
Only in Washington can people claim that they are saving something by destroying it.
The budget I am releasing this week will make the Medicare trust fund solvent beyond 2050 without cutting a penny in benefits. In fact, we can get better value, making sure Americans receive better care for the money they pay into Medicare.
The two biggest health reform bills since the creation of Medicare, both of which will save Medicare hundreds of billions over the decades to come, were signed by President Barack Obama and me.

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