NYT OPINION: The Teenager Leading the Smartphone Liberation Movement
By Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Rhiannon Corby, Anabel Bacon, Kaari Pitkin, Stephanie Joyce, Carole Sabouraud, Isaac Jones, Sonia Herrero and Pat McCusker
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: February 2, 2023 at 02:00AM
For the 17-year-old Logan Lane, the solution was to quit cold turkey. Lane grew up in Brooklyn and was a screen-addicted teenager who spent hours curating her social media presence on Instagram and TikTok. Then, a little over two years ago, Lane started questioning whether living a life of constant connection was actually a good thing and made the decision to ditch her smartphone altogether. She began assembling a “Luddite Club” — a group of teenagers who reject technology and its creeping hold on all our lives.
POLITICS News and Tweets
By Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Rhiannon Corby, Anabel Bacon, Kaari Pitkin, Stephanie Joyce, Carole Sabouraud, Isaac Jones, Sonia Herrero and Pat McCusker
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: February 2, 2023 at 02:00AM
Logan Lane gave up her smartphone. That changed her life.
How many hours do you spend on your phone each day? Probably more than you’d like. In our technology-saturated world, we rely on our devices for what feels like an endless list of daily tasks — everything from staying up-to-date on Twitter to killing time at the post office. The idea of reclaiming any degree of independence from our smartphones can often feel impossible.For the 17-year-old Logan Lane, the solution was to quit cold turkey. Lane grew up in Brooklyn and was a screen-addicted teenager who spent hours curating her social media presence on Instagram and TikTok. Then, a little over two years ago, Lane started questioning whether living a life of constant connection was actually a good thing and made the decision to ditch her smartphone altogether. She began assembling a “Luddite Club” — a group of teenagers who reject technology and its creeping hold on all our lives.
Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/02/opinion/teen-luddite-smartphones.html
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