NYT OPINION: Marjorie Taylor Greene Didn’t Like What She Saw
By Gail Collins and Bret Stephens
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: February 13, 2023 at 02:00AM
POLITICS News and Tweets
By Gail Collins and Bret Stephens
Section: Opinion
Source: New York Times
Published Date: February 13, 2023 at 02:00AM
Biden may be 80, but the real danger is the prepubescent opposition.
Gail Collins: So Bret, Joe Biden’s been on a roll. Economy good, State of the Union speech good — made even better by those Republican boo birds.- Any complaints?
- Bret Stephens: The economy is a mixed bag, with positive signals, like falling inflation and historically low unemployment, but also some worrying ones, like a labor-force participation rate that’s too low and big layoffs in big tech. I thought the speech was a mixed bag, too, with a feisty performance that will please liberals but not endear him to the majority of Americans, who still disapprove of his job performance by a seven-point margin.
- But on the subject of Republican hecklers, what a disgrace. Never mind the geriatric president; the real danger is the prepubescent opposition.
- Gail Collins: Well, if I ever want to make a good impression on a group, I’ll try to recruit Marjorie Taylor Greene to scream at me that I’m a liar.
- Bret: Being called a liar by Greene is like being accused by Donald Trump of having a low I.Q. I believe that’s what Freudians call “projection.”
- Gail: The Republican leadership was certainly better behaved. But they did seem desperate to reject any suggestion that their party wanted to cut back spending on Social Security and Medicare. I thought that was part of the plan all along. Wasn’t it?
- Bret: Not as far as I’m aware, unless you mean Senator Rick Scott’s nonstarter proposal to sunset all federal legislation every five years.
- Gail: Well, Scott was head of the Republican Senate re-election effort at the time.
- Bret: Even Mitch McConnell dismissed Scott’s brainstorms out of hand. But if it means trying to save both programs from looming insolvency, then yes, you could say some Republicans are for that.
- The other thing I found striking about the speech, Gail, is that it was probably the most unapologetically liberal State of the Union any Democratic president has delivered since Lyndon Johnson in the ’60s. I know you like a lot of the proposals, but will it win Biden a second term?
- Gail: Which part do you think an average American voter would have hated? An assault weapons ban? Abortion rights? A tax on the superrich?
Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/13/opinion/biden-greene-fetterman-harel.html
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