Word of the Day and Word Finder

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Word of the Day

skeptic discuss

Definition:(noun) Someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs.
Usage:Johnson was one of the skeptics who vigorously denounced Macpherson as a shameless impostor.

Article of the Day


Found floating in warm seas or washed up on the shore, ambergris is a solid, waxy substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales. Possessing a sweet, earthy odor, it has been used throughout history as a food flavoring and a material for jewelry, though its primary commercial use has been as a fixative in perfumes. However, because ambergris is quite rare and expensive, many of today's perfumes use synthetic replacements. What function does ambergris serve within the whale's digestive tract? More... Discuss

Daily Grammar Lesson

The Difference between Collective Nouns and Plural Nouns

Both plural nouns and collective nouns can refer to multiple things. The difference is that collective nouns refer to a group of individuals in a single unit, whereas plural nouns refer to what? More... Discuss

Idiom of the Day

more sinned against than sinner

Less guilty or worthy of blame than others, especially those who have injured or laid such blame or guilt upon one. More...

This Day in History

The Henley Regatta Is Established in England (1839)

Until 1839, the little town of Henley-on-Thames was known primarily as a glass-producing port town. During a town hall meeting that year, Captain Edmund Gardiner proposed holding a regatta, since the growing popularity of rowing could benefit the town. Today, the rowing competition is a world-class competition that draws oarsmen from around the world for five days each summer, with thousands of spectators taking part in its traditions. How did it officially become a "royal" regatta in 1851? More... Discuss

Today's Birthday

Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794)

Schnorr was a German religious and historical painter and draftsman. As a child, he studied under his father, who was an engraver and painter. In 1817, he went to Rome, where he became associated with the Nazarene movement of painters, who rejected most painting after the Middle Ages and focused primarily on religious subjects for their art. Schnorr is best known for the hundreds of illustrations he created for a pictorial Bible. He also designed the windows of what famous London cathedral? More... Discuss

Today's Holiday

Bangladesh Independence Day

This public holiday celebrates the declaration of independence of the state of Bangladesh on March 26, 1971. When India gained independence from Britain in 1947, the region that is now Bangladesh became East Pakistan, and was governed together with West Pakistan as one country. By early 1971, differences between East and West Pakistan had led to war. When India entered the war in November, independence was assured. Bangladeshis observe this national holiday in the capital city of Dhaka with memorial ceremonies, a boat race on the Buriganga river, and other festivities. More... Discuss

Quote of the Day
Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.
Virginia Woolf

Word Trivia

Today's topic: specializing

creperie - A restaurant specializing in crepes. More...

abandannad - A pickpocket specializing in bandannas or handkerchiefs. More...

cinematheque - A small movie theater specializing in art or classic films. More...

academic press - Also called a university press; a publishing house associated with a university or other scholarly institution, specializing in the publication of scholarly books and journals, particularly works written by its faculty. More...

Grammar Quiz
Which of the following is most commonly used to indicate a masculine noun?

Spelling Bee
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n. the branch of biology that studies plants
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