NYT WORLD: Some find fault with Francis’ homily for Benedict.
By Jason Horowitz and Ruth Graham
Section: World
Source: New York Times
Published Date: January 5, 2023 at 02:00AM
Would he give his predecessor the simple send-off he had requested, while managing not to offend the church’s conservative wing, which wanted much more for their departed standard-bearer?
Francis opted for a homily that reflected his own vision of the Catholic Church, but not everyone was satisfied with his approach. Michael Hesemann, a biographer and friend of Benedict, called it “a little bit standard,” and a theologian and writer in Pennsylvania described it as “a kind of slap.”
“You could have given the same homily for anybody, any cardinal, any bishop or even the butcher next door,” Mr. Hesemann said.
To some American Catholics, the homily’s brevity and impersonality were seen as a snub from a pope who has moved to undo many of Benedict’s signature priorities. Benedict was a guiding star for conservative Catholics in the United States, who viewed him as a leading figure for a kind of doctrinal commitment and rigor they saw lacking in the church under Francis.
Francis paid respects to Benedict’s having lived the gospel “for his entire life” by repeatedly citing his predecessor’s words. Francis reflected the theologian’s core belief of putting Jesus at the center of life by meditating on how Jesus put himself in God’s hands.
Above all, those close to Francis said, the homily centered on a bishop, and pope’s, core role as a pastor — something Francis himself holds dear — above the old church rituals, the so-called smells and bells, adored by traditionalists.
By Jason Horowitz and Ruth Graham
Section: World
Source: New York Times
Published Date: January 5, 2023 at 02:00AM
The former pope’s supporters, who include conservatives, said Francis’ approach seemed paltry in comparison to Benedict’s homily at the funeral of Pope John Paul II.
VATICAN CITY — The unusual nature of Thursday’s funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, presided over by his successor, Pope Francis, only heightened curiosity about what course Francis would take to honor Benedict.Would he give his predecessor the simple send-off he had requested, while managing not to offend the church’s conservative wing, which wanted much more for their departed standard-bearer?
Francis opted for a homily that reflected his own vision of the Catholic Church, but not everyone was satisfied with his approach. Michael Hesemann, a biographer and friend of Benedict, called it “a little bit standard,” and a theologian and writer in Pennsylvania described it as “a kind of slap.”
“You could have given the same homily for anybody, any cardinal, any bishop or even the butcher next door,” Mr. Hesemann said.
To some American Catholics, the homily’s brevity and impersonality were seen as a snub from a pope who has moved to undo many of Benedict’s signature priorities. Benedict was a guiding star for conservative Catholics in the United States, who viewed him as a leading figure for a kind of doctrinal commitment and rigor they saw lacking in the church under Francis.
Francis paid respects to Benedict’s having lived the gospel “for his entire life” by repeatedly citing his predecessor’s words. Francis reflected the theologian’s core belief of putting Jesus at the center of life by meditating on how Jesus put himself in God’s hands.
Above all, those close to Francis said, the homily centered on a bishop, and pope’s, core role as a pastor — something Francis himself holds dear — above the old church rituals, the so-called smells and bells, adored by traditionalists.
Read More at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/05/world/europe/benedict-francis-homily-criticism.html